How a Water and Juice Detox Benefits Your Skin
A water-juice detox can have many beneficial effects on your skin. Here are just a few...
1. Cleansing and Unclogging Pores: Fresh juices, rich in antioxidants and vitamins, help flush toxins from the body. Eliminating waste and impurities leads to clearer, acne-free, blackhead-free skin.
2. Hydration: Nothing beats proper hydration to keep the skin supple and safe from dryness and flakiness. Hydration also plays a role in maintaining the elasticity of the skin, so no crepe-ridden arms and neck. BTW, did you know that hydration helps with pancreas recovery as well?
3. Wrinkle Reduction: Juices containing high levels of antioxidants (like Vitamin C from citrus fruits) and beta-carotene (from carrots and leafy greens) fight free radicals, which wreak havoc on the skin's cells, causing premature aging. These nutrients work around the clock for you to promote collagen production, minimizing wrinkles and fine lines.
4. Collagen Boost: Vitamin C, found in many fruits like oranges and kiwis, plays a key role in collagen synthesis. Collagen is essential for keeping the skin firm, saggy-free and youthful. So, say "no" to Botox and "yes" to nature's food and juices that support collagen production.
5. Cell Repair and Renewal: The vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants in fresh juices promote cell regeneration. Like Vitamin A (from carrots and sweet potatoes) and Vitamin E (from spinach and avocado). Support your body's ability to repair skin cells by protecting against outward damage from UV rays and pollution and internal culprits such as fried foods and sugar.
Incorporating a juice detox into your routine can lead to glowing, healthier-looking skin by nourishing it from within and boosting your body’s ability to repair, hydrate, and maintain a youthful appearance.
P.s. The photo of me is unfiltered and unedited. This is my skin at age 63 (in 2022). My daily food intake consists of 85% raw, plant-based, highly-dense-protein-rich foods. I do a water & juice detox quarterly. Sure, DNA plays into how our skin ages but we have all the power to control how fast/slow it ages, based on our lifestyle habits.